if cows could fly / if cows could sing

Each illustration has a unique poem. Click on the illustrations below to see a larger version.
ali (the) gator

If you have toothache, get a friend with a can opener...

andré the ostrich

André was a romantic fellow, but sadly also very short sighted...

benjamin barnacle

If you think Ben was sharp, wait until you meet his brothers...

bertie the bunny          TOP

If it sounds strange, but it tastes good - then it's not...

bryan the lion

A shy noble fellow, finds a new way to "catch" his lunch...


That's one very tasty way to move faster...

colin the codfish

It's not always easy to sleep on the seabed...

swordfish cyril          TOP

A friendly fast fish - but perhaps not in the same swimming pool...

dino (the) saurus

Dino had his priorities right - family first, football second...

enzo the elephant

Exciting and always speedy, who needs a steering wheel...

george the frog

A bit of a loner, but still a very happy chappy...

gerald the giraffe          TOP

Strong winds didn't worry Gerald, as he always used a life vest...

hedgehog hannah

When you can't shout out, then say it with a flag...

henry the hog

Decides to change his diet - and is very happy with the result...

ishmael the snail

When speed is not an option, but taste is...

jimmy the laughing hyena     TOP

Do you know how Jimmy received his strange name...?

armadillo joe

Armadillo Joe never had any hair, and suffered in cold weather...

keith the parrot

Just like any child - but his Mum still loved him...

lenny the lizard

Lenny was a techno freak, and that's not easy with long claws...

lucy the goat                    TOP

Lucy was not like other goats, but lucky with the weather...

lukas the lemming

He stood on the cliff top, but had a very good reason to not jump off...

mark the maggot

You may not like a rotten apple - but others may...

neil the eel

Smiling is healthy - unless you are underwater at the time...

ollie the octopus          TOP

Now that's what I call an advantage when playing football...

percy fitz roberts

Normal is out, fun and loving is definitively in...

rhino pete

Secret of a good day, is starting with a good breakfast...

philip the fox

If you've got it, then use it - and Philip was a master of his game...

priscilla                    TOP

Beautiful Priscilla now brings a smile to all those she touches...


So why can't our furniture be romantic...

little robin

Can you hear but not see, sit down and wait, it will come to you...

rocky the horse

If your horse doesn't knit, maybe he needs pyjamas...

seagull stuart          TOP

The seagulls who laugh last, laugh loudest...


They may not be able to run, but who needs to run if you are free...

simon the salmon

Was very proud of his bright pink vest, but sadly not for long...

stine the starfish

If it sounds silly, but it works... then it isn't...

teddy                    TOP

Teddy was not a watchdog, but she had a big heart...

toby the toad

Toby was stronger than most, but loved to pose by the pool...

ulf the wolf

Don't stand alone, when you can dance together...

vicky the squirrel

It's all about getting your priorities right...

wendy the seaweed          TOP

Bad hair days also exist under water...

x the balloon

Here today, gone tomorrow - treat your friends with love...

the shoe

What would you do if you had three feet and only two shoes...?

my yellow umbrella

He has no name, but doesn't complain...

if cows could fly          TOP

And if they really could fly, then breakfast would be really exciting...

a snail has no wings

Please don't disturb snails with "L" plates - they are still learning...

the way you are

It's easy to forget that there are many types of perfect...

swimming in line

Following is easy, leaving is harder, but returning home is best...

wash !                    TOP

The most under-rated fun activity, for families to play together...


When the sun goes down, who switches off the colour...

numbers                    TOP

So is he the first - or the last. Whatever, he's part of the team...